Svadhisthana chakra represents our Emotional Body & relationships. It is associated with the reproductive organs, sexual instincts, potency & kidneys.The Emotional Body is weakened by anxiety, stress, self-doubt & bad habits. If a person is emotional, but quick-witted, then the clots of negative energies in the emotional body dissolve relatively quickly. But if a person has long-lasting negative emotions such as constant resentment towards people or life, or constant aggression towards life or other people, then such emotions create long-term clots of negative emotional energy. These clots further have a negative impact on our health.
When the 2nd energy center, the Svadhisthana chakra, the center of the Emotional Body is blocked, the work of the entire genitourinary system is disrupted: diseases of the kidneys, ureters & bladder, sand & stones, impotence, there are difficulties in the excretion of urine, urinary incontinence in children & the elderly, inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, etc. diseases. When the Svadhisthana chakra is blocked, diabetes mellitus, hypertension & hypotension, cerebral circulatory disorders, multiple sclerosis & epilepsy can also develop.

Impotency: fear, pressure of achievement, feeling of guilt, inexperience, false expectations, uncertainty
Reproductive issues: fear of change, holding on to the old & trustworthy, lack of willingness to enter a new sphere of life
Kidney Problems: kidneys cleanse the blood. Kidney ailments testify to problems in relationships, conflict of feelings, the failures of ideals.
Addiction to junk food & Alcohol: the search for one's self, the feeling of being overwhelmed, not willing to deal with life's problems
Backache: mental overload, frustration, too much responsibility, lack of support, fears, sense of guilt, denial, sadness
Bedwetting: crying with bladder, protest against the mistreatment or a bad situation, overburdenedness, internal pressure
Bladder: not letting go of the past or being under pressure
Diabetes: unused ability to love, disappointment, lack of self worth
Fear: a person is blocked, his consciousness is constricted by unresolved experiences, there is a lack of self-confidence & self-confidence, unresolved experiences
Menstrual Problems: dissatisfaction with her role, stubborness, lack of willingness to give to in or surrender, unwillingness to be a woman, very little interest in anything new, fear of responsibility, narrowmindness
Muscle Spasms: unable to come to terms with the natural course of life, desperately trying to achieve some goals, excessive ambitions
Testicular Disease: sign of internal pressures. Things are not as one would like, doesn't like his own masculinity, feeling that he doesn't live up to expectations

Meditate on the Svadhisthana chakra, which is responsible for emotions, expressing yourself in the world and unlocking creative abilities. You can direct your attention to this center or focus on the image.

Spend more time in nature, near water.
