First of all, there is nothing but energy. Our bodies are energy. Illness is a cleansing process, the energy. Energy heals & energy systems are healed.

Diseases originate in our uncontrolled unconscious, the layer of our psyche which we cannot directly control with our head, but which absolutely affects our lives. The unconscious remembers everything that happens to us.
Esoterically speaking the disease does not originate in the physical body but from the spiritual to the material. Rise of the certain negative feelings can create an energy block on the subtle body & if person won’t notice it or dismisses it, it will settle in the physical body, beginning to affect the specific organs & cause the disease to appear.
You may be surprised, but the state of malaise, general weakness, fever & other symptoms of sickness is the last stage. This means that the person has been possibly accumulating problems for years. The disease occurs much earlier than the physical manifestation, first on the subtle plane. The etheric body is our immunity & shield from external influences. When the disease is already manifesting from the ether in the solid material world, the body is already failing.
In esotericism there is also a belief that incurable diseases are given to a person especially in those life situations when it is critically important for him to think about whether he is following the right path in life & if a person is not able to understand this, his life program is cut short in order to start a new path in new circumstances & in a new body to nudge him to the right road.

You probably all know that subtle bodies form an aura. We have many different energy fields that regulate various mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical functions & they correspond to various parts of the subtle bodies. There are seven bodies in total & each corresponds to one of the chakras. Most modern esoteric traditions do not divide the aura or subtle plane into separate components. They work with the aura as a whole, cleansing & strengthening it.
Our aura has many different functions, just like the seven chakras. Working on a subtle plane with separate layers is more effective approach if we want to concentrate on individual problems.
Each esoteric tradition describes a human & energy bodies from different point of view but there are many similarities in thought & systems between cultures regarding the subtle bodies.
Almost all religions believe that thought is primary & matter is secondary & the physical body of a human is imbued with the many subtle bodies, but for a simplified understanding they can be divided into 5-9 subtle bodies.
Less than an inch outside of our physical body is the Etheric layer, the densest layer which is connected to the Root Chakra, Muladhara. Following the Etheric body are the Emotional body, the Mental body, Astral body, the Etheric template body, the Celestial body & the Causal body.

Chakras connect the subtle bodies with the dense physical body & are controlled by energy flows through an energy network of meridians & channels that permeate the entire physical body. Subtle bodies are highly complex structures compared to the physical body.

The Etheric Body has the lowest vibrational frequency as it is the blueprint for the physical body, thus the most dense. This etheric double does not leave the physical body: without the etheric body the dense physical body cannot exist.
Every single bone, organ & cell has an energetic expression in the etheric body. The frequency or vibration of the etheric body determines the health of the physical body.
Through the etheric body of a person we can read the health of the body as a whole & the state of individual organs in the body as they each have their own energy. The etheric body is a bridge between the physical body & other energy bodies. Sometimes it can be seen on photos & it is felt by animals.
The main function of the etheric body is to awaken & saturate the physical body with energy, as well as its integration into the energy body of our planet & the Universe in general.

The center of the Etheric body, Muladhara, Root chakra, is rarely blocked but it significantly loses its energy potential when other energy centers are not functioning properly. It is responsible for endurance & tone, as well as immunity. Helps to resist diseases at the energy level. If there is little energy, a person becomes tired, constantly wants to sleep, the person weakens & gets tired even when just walking. Muladhara chakra governs the state of the physical body, especially its lower part. Channels often land on it.
Muladhara absorbs the electromagnetic energies of the Earth necessary for the physical body & directs them to the two highest centers- Ajna, center of psychic consciousness & Sahasrara, center of spiritual consciousness.
A person with harmoniously developed etheric body or energyfield is strong physically, spiritually & energetically, doesn’t indulge in weaknesses or addictions & is endowed with a strong will & bright temperament.
A person with a weak etheric body has constantly some troubles, the emotions are raw & primitive. In the worst case the aura may look old, like rags dangling off. He cannot stand up for himself either physically or energetically.

In our modern world, we live in a frenzied rhythm, we do not get enough sleep & do not listen to neither our spirit, mind or our body, we suffer from a chronic violation of the harmony of all body systems, causing a total imbalance. Our unconscious stores a huge number of programs that can destroy us & traumas that we received from our kind, carelessly thrown words & situations that we did not have time to pay attention to in time.
When we do not live something, we live incorrectly, our body will tell us what went wrong & what kind of impulse the disease promises in the future.
The cause of our diseases is ourselves when effectively sabotaging our own path to health & well-being, indifferent to signs that our bodies give us. We ourselves reach a level where the entire physical plane is forced to take harsh actions so we would pause to take care of & think about ourselves.
Many harmful radiations surrounding us can also lead to a constant depletion of the etheric body.
Almost all medications & any food that makes us allergic will quickly weaken our etheric body.
Eating in a hurry generally weakens the etheric body.
Sometimes the weakness of our etheric body will arise just from the fact that someone holds a grudge against us, or has negative thoughts towards us. Thoughts are powerful & dangerous. Time & space are irrelevant in the world of thoughts.
Pent-up frustrations & emotions can overwhelm & lead to illness.
Drugs, including caffeine, excite & over-stimulate the etheric & astral bodies, causing diseases.
Constant stress & improper lifestyle can thin out the etheric body, putting our physical body in danger.

The development of subtle essence strengthens our character & will, has a positive effect on our health & immunity, overall communication & relationships. Courage, responsibility, self-discipline, ability to influence & convince people, showing strength, defending our own ideals are the qualities necessary for normal occult work. It is the strong, dense etheric body that does not allow the disease formed on other energy planes to penetrate to the physical level. Among the many types of human bioenergetic diseases there are the aura lesions, cracks, breaks & the presence of foreign objects in the astral body.

Our energetic body needs care. It must be nourished, cleansed & given some rest, positive emotions & impressions are absolutely necessary. Create harmony around your self. Listen some nice music, read books, have deep conversations, visit exhibitions & museums, the beautiful places in nature. A strong energetic body requires balanced food, water & an environment without excessively harmful radiation. Strengthen your etheric layer by accessing all sorts of natural energies. Visit the places of power. Frequent walks in nature, daily exercise. Making strong-willed decisions. Creative activities like singing, dancing, drawing. Reduce the use of unhealthy high carb & sugary foods, alcohol etc. Think & speak positively.
Meditations, yoga & energy healing practices have a positive effect on the layers of the subtle plane. Training in awareness in a dream, astral projection & other techniques develops our energetic body. If the energetic body is too weak, it is difficult to achieve anything meaningful in that direction.

The etheric bodies of children born now are of a higher frequency than those of children born decades ago. They have continuously increased up to the present moment. This is mainly a manifestation of the fact that the frequency of our planet as a whole is becoming higher. To be healthy, it is important to adhere to the etheric body level of the average child born at the present time.
This is a problem for those born 40 years ago or more. Earth's frequency has increased & their birth frequency resonates with Earth's previously normal frequency.

Absorb the energy of the Universe through your breaths.
Inhale through the Manipura, the Solar Plexus chakra, the energy of the Universe, which gets scattered around, spreading it throughout the subtle body.
As you exhale, release the negative emotions, experiences & bad thoughts through your Manipura. Repeat the exercise every day for several minutes.

To be continued...
