Our 3rd energy center, the Manipura chakra, is the center of the Mental Body, the center of all human bioenergy. It is also the center of the Solar Plexus. This is the place where the internal bioenergy mixes with the cosmic energy. The mental body is the body of our emotions & our feelings. Our fears, our experiences: anger, joy. This subtle body is about our sense of self in this world. It is everything that we feel; everything that evokes our emotions. By learning to observe our feelings & emotions we can learn to pass them through ourselves very harmoniously, taking all the good things from the experience while not allowing them to get stuck somewhere in the body in the form of an energy block.
The mental body is responsible for human thinking, it is here that thoughts are formed. The mental body is our information field. It produces our thoughts. This field is used for entering external information, to generate our installations & programs. Most of our thoughts are created by ourselves & by developing awareness we can fully influence it. This field contains all the memories & knowledge we have acquired. A strong mental body gives us stamina for mental work, thought creation, the amount & total amount of knowledge, memory & the ability to self-control.
The mental body is closely connected with the astral body which is responsible for emotions. Often we try to suppress the astral body in ourselves so that the mental one can prevail.
Sometimes mental body disorders occur due to mental blockage, the way a person relates to life & other people can be dramatically changed by negative experiences that are held in the subconscious & affect our life experience.

The energy formed in the Manipura chakra fills all the chakras, as well as all energy meridians, active biological points, liver, spleen & other organs.
Manipura affects the development of emotions, how we react to an event depends on the strength & integrity of our mental body, the nature of our emotions affect the astral shell.
The solar plexus absorbs all our emotional reactions & desires. The solar plexus of the individual is connected to the collective solar plexus. This means that the emotional reactions we experience can be a reflection of all emotional reactions floating in the atmosphere.
Manipura energy center is where our emotions are formed as the mental body is responsible for our mood. At this level, all our emotional load accumulates, starting from childhood. All resentments & fears are stored here & when there are too many of them, the energy body begins to affect the physical body, creating various psychosomatic diseases. Especially if our etheric field has weakened under the influence of stress & suffering.
If we had a happy childhood, we go through life without the burden of subconscious fears & destructive beliefs. If in preschool & primary school age we saw scandals of parents, faced cruelty of peers, it is likely that the load of negative emotions migrated with us to adulthood. One of the most important functions of the mental body is to help us realize emotions that we fear or are ashamed of. If the traumatic situation was not lived through to the end: we did not share it with anyone, did not express our negative emotions, but also failed to let go of the negative event, the shock may recur in the future.
Accumulating suppressed feelings & experiences, this energy center manifests itself in the form of repeated dreams or unusual signs.
It is responsible for the body’s intuition.
When Manipura chakra is blocked the energy cannot be received from Universe or it comes in small quantities.

A person with blocked solar plexus chakra is very weak, the stomach & all its auxiliary organs may suffer: the duodenum, pancreas, gallbladder & liver. When stomach does not receive enough bioenergy necessary then at first there will be problems with fully digesting the food & in later stages the stomach diseases like high or low acidity, gastritis, ulcers, etc. may occur.
If the mental body is exhausted or inharmoniously developed, the person lacks discipline in matters of nutrition. Cravings for salty, fatty & spicy foods, overeating in the evening is a common problem of people who have blocked Manipura chakra. Cleaning up the energy center will help to correct the situation.
Feelings of powerlessness.
Diabetes: unused ability to love, disappointment, lack of self worth
Digestive problems: mental overfeeding, inability or unwillingness to tolerate criticism, aggressions, inability to let go
Eating disorders: the desire to get rid of from all the bad & shallow bodily things, high ideals, abandoning relationships & ties, loneliness, fear of bodily intimacy. Such a neurotic attitude to one's own needs most often arises in a family with a negative attitude. The one who can slowly start to come to terms with his true nature, has taken the first step towards healing
Fear: a person is blocked, his consciousness is constricted by unresolved experiences, there is a lack of self-confidence & self-confidence, unresolved experiences
Food Allergies: allergy is a sign of strong aggression, it is the overreacting defense mechanism. This strong aggression is not acknowledged, nor is it lived through. There will always be suppressed unconscious aspects. This way the aggression makes it’s way out of the body. When a person unconsciously struggles with certain areas of his life, but when aggression is denied on a mental level, then struggle is symbolically transferred to the bodily level, where it finds it’s way out. Aggression is always associated with fears. Denying one’s personality. Fear of the new. Fear of changes
Gastritis: irritation, hurt, fear, aggression, restlessness, no time to digest a situation, disagreement, unsolved conflicts one can’t let go of. Too fast pace of life, constant situations that a person cannot cope with, information that cannot be digested, or person is overwhelmed by people who are constantly pressuring or irritating him, a person has to cope with extreme situations, does not find peace even for a moment
Gall bladder problems: Gallbladder is an organ of aggression that produces about a liter of bile in the 24 hours. Constant restraint & kept back, hidden angry emotions will cause the problems with the gallbladder. One must learn to express oneself & stick to oneself. When person has lots of problems & can’t cope with them for long period of time, then the aggression concentrates & takes the shape of stones. The gall stones speak about leaking emotions, person is very easily irritable & angry, spitting bile.
Kidney Problems: kidneys cleanse the blood. Kidney ailments testify to problems in relationships, conflict of feelings, the failures of ideals
Nausea & Vomiting: Something makes angry, not agreeing with situation, defense, negation. Wishing that certain thing or situation had not happened. A person repels situations that he does not want to assimilate. Nausea & vomiting also occurs when a person finds out that what he wanted, he cannot get. This is a defense mechanism, he does not accept. A person would like to do it mentally, but without finding a way to do it, this energy must be lived out on a bodily level
Indigestion: Fear. Inability or unwillingness to face certain life situations or circumstances, fear of life, lack of flexibility

Do something good for others without getting attached to the result, participate in selfless activities, caring for plants or a home garden, helping people, animals, any charity, meditation for the benefit of all living beings.
Practice breathing techniques or Kundalini yoga for example.

To be continued..
