The 5th chakra Vishuddha is the center of the Etheric body, Ethereal template. This subtle energy body is well developed in people of intellectual & creative work: writers, poets, artists, musicians, architects etc.
Etheric body is the body of reasons, thoughts & actions, it is the cause of everything that is manifested in the lower planes.
Vishuddha is the center of strength & power, alchemical transformation, which is responsible for very subtle biochemical processes associated with mental & spiritual energy. It creates a bridge between the Anahata, which controls our emotions & Ajna, which controls our intuition. This connection helps us align our heart & mind, strengthening our intuition & emotional intelligence.
When this energy center is blocked, such people have reduced will to create & don’t use the full potential of their abilities. When the energy center is blocked with a breakdown of the aura in this area, there is a constant leakage of energy. As the disease advances, the aura is broken & person starts to lose strength & weight.
Vishuddha is able to change & transform physical body structure, psyche & spirituality.
Vishuddha chakra feeds the lungs, larynx, speech & thyroid gland & is associated with the pharynx, upper respiratory tract, bronchi, lungs & thyroid gland.
Disturbances in the chakra indicate a lack of balance in the metabolism. On the physical plane, these people are more susceptible to acute respiratory diseases like bronchitis, coughs, etc. Energy blockage becomes obvious by such symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough, difficulty swallowing.
Nervousness, anxiety problems: feeling absolutely certain about pressure to do unwanted things, something one would rather avoid. Fear. Wrong diet. Need for new positive approach on life. Can’t be like one would like to be.
Difficulty swallowing: can't deal with certain life situations, don’t want to accept something, suppressed conflicts.
Neck pains: are mostly associated with immobility. A person can only look in one direction. It's a reference that things need to be looked at from all angles, even if it hurts. Not being stubborn, being more tolerant. Be mentally more mobile & take into account the opinions of others. As you become more mentally mobile, neck pains also disappear.
Asthma: fears, suppressed need of dominating, suppressed aggression, thirst for freedom. Asthma reflects the avoiding of contacts. With the very first breath we meet this world & with last one we leave. We want love but not able to give. Need for sterilized cleanliness, desperately avoiding anything dirty. Inability to accept the aging process, desperation, stress, denial.
Bronchitis: problems stem from over-caring or thinking about not caring enough.
Colds: force us to deal with ourselves, need for rest, keeping away of the people, especially the problematic ones.
Cough: need to get rid of something, let go.
Fear: a person is blocked, his consciousness is constricted by unresolved experiences, there is a lack of self-confidence & self-confidence, unresolved experience.
Earache: like all the acute infections, it talks about the inner conflict that can't find the way out. Hearing something hurts, would like to hear something different. Not listening ones own consciousness but depending too much on other people’s opinions. Living by other’s needs not one’s own. Need to listen to one’s own primal inner voice.
Sore Throat: makes one’s voice weak. Fear of conflicts. Feeling that there is nothing more left to say, powerlessness.
Stammer: big need to express oneself but wishes that wouldn't said what was said.. Keeps checking the words & phrases because of the fear of certain feelings that are coming up. Fear of one’s own inner primal feelings.
Overactive Thyroid: If a person constantly suppresses his feelings & needs, especially aggressive in nature & is in a state of constant tension, then this can cause the thyroid to go overactive. Suppressed feelings, the battle takes place internally. The fears & need for support can't find the way out, dissatisfaction, the feeling of not being understood.
Tonsillitis: there is something that is not said, fear of being misunderstood, not letting something negative in.
Vomiting: Something makes angry, not agreeing with situation, defense, negation. Wishing that certain thing or situation had not happened. A person repels situations that he does not want to assimilate. Nausea & vomiting also occurs when a person finds out that what he wanted, he cannot get. This is a defense mechanism, he does not accept. A person would like to do it mentally, but without finding a way to do it, this energy must be lived out on a bodily level.
Indigestion: Fear. Inability or unwillingness to face certain life situations or circumstances, fear of life, lack of flexibility.
Write out grievances on paper & then burn them.
Make sure to give yourself proper time for rest.
Include the meditation, chanting, singing & yoga in your daily practices.
