Numerological & Astrological forecast for the year 2025, the year of Green Wood Snake.

In numerology 2025 is the year of the number 9. The number 9 brings the energy of completions & transformations, profound changes, both on a personal & global level.. This is the time when old cycles are completed to give way to new beginnings.
We should be prepared for unexpected turns in life & remain internally strong & balanced, listening to our intuition.
The year of the number 9 carries immersion in its inner honesty & depth through the search for meaning, insight, serious changes, both internally & externally.
Number 9 is associated with higher ideals, altruism & compassion so we take care of others & strive for our personal spiritual growth. 2025 will be a good year for deep self-discovery & development.
We will learn a lot of useful life lessons but not all of them will be pleasant. It is important not to be afraid to express ourselves, to reveal our creative abilities, be bold & persistent.
For those who have been thinking about moving or changing jobs, it's time to take drastic steps. Build the foundation for our own nest. Do business.
Financially, the year is extremely favorable for settling debts. We should be very careful not to spend money on unnecessary things.
It is a good time to strengthen the connections with our loved ones.
This is a good year for people who can think, analyze, reflect, wait, endure, interact with changes & understand that changes are necessary for the continuation of life. It will be good year for those who know how to deviate from the plan, live in chaos, be flexible & rebuild.
For these people 2025 will be the year of new opportunities.
Number 9 is like burning coals, with a little wind it becomes fire. & there will be plenty of wind so 2025 will feel like the rollercoster. It will be very difficult for people who don't have enough energy, who do not know how to interact with changes, or who have problems with physical & mental health. Many people will actually develop mental instability, because they can’t handle the stress.
During the first half of the year the unnecessary people & things in our lives will start to disappear & we will be really tested if we are ready to let go easily or will we hold on.. The lesson is to accept & let go..
The year of the Wooden Green Snake in the energies of the 9 will be noticeably different from the last year’s vibrations. When 2024 showed us that everything can change with a flick of finger, then 2025 will prove that everything can be ended even faster. Everything is changing, what was working half an hour ago is no longer working. This is a year where there will be more deaths than usual, where projects will end, what would seem to be very successful will end.
The number 9 is Mars, it is fire, it is a warrior, promising more wars & destruction in the world, families & companies. The very energy of the year sets us all up for belligerence.
Mother Earth will start cleansing the zones of aggression & negativity with water & fire.
We need to shape our own positive events. It is important to work with feminine energies: with patience, understanding, the ability to live in chaos & adapt. We have to let go of negative emotions & find time to relax to maintain harmony & balance in all areas of our lives.

The astrological forecast for 2025. The cosmic confrontation. Pluto came into conflict with Mars in Leo starting from December 7, 2024 & moves into Cancer from January 8 to February 24. The strengthening of Mars through retrograde & then finding the sign of Cancer seems to really anger this planet, making it more impulsive, inadequate & unreasonable in its manifestations. In people, it will awaken the most basic instincts, the most animal, the worst that is in them. Mars in opposition to Pluto creates an intensity of energy within us that must find expression through physical or creative outlets.
The exact opposition of these celestial bodies began on November 3, 2024 & will twice more: on January 3 & April 27, 2025. Special attention around January 3, as Mars will be in exact opposition to Pluto, the planet of transformation, the ruler of the otherworld, the planet of power, organized crime & big money. Most powerful surge occurs around April to early May 2025. These are big changes in the world & in everyone's personal life, taking place under the greatest pressure of external forces & circumstances. Until April, global shifts are likely & the established order will change in the world.
The specific Mars-Pluto energy will manifest itself in the desire to defend our rightness, our beliefs & values to the end, often at any cost with the use of violence. There will be a strong desire to remove any restrictions from the path & the rules prohibiting crossing any established red lines. Once again we enter a rather dangerous period of increasing turbulence in social processes, which will certainly affect the life of an ordinary citizen, on whom, in principle, little depends. The trend of social relations between different groups will mainly be based on a new desire to escalate conflicts.
The accelerating Pluto in the Aquarius is making unpredictable & irreversible, drastic changes in the life of every person. This transit will cause large-scale changes in society, technology, world events & our attitude to them. Pluto in Aquarius brings rapid development of technology, social media & environmental developments. Pluto's ingression is not only about changing the mechanisms of managing, but also about changing the coalitions that control the masses of people. We will see the real effects of the AI. This transit can also create instability & crises in society, social & political disagreements, growing conflicts & revolutions.
Mars is primarily a firearm & this is really something to be wary of, even if we think that this can never happen to us. In peaceful life, Mars is a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon. Habitual behaviors will fail & will not bring the expected results. The pimple is ripe & ready to burst. More conflicts will break out between many countries as a result of long-standing hostility. Many smaller countries will be like Sheep pulling on Wolves ' skins in order to survive the wave. The confrontation of these aggressive planets usually pushes for difficult decisions & the risks of global economic crisis are growing but it will not turn into a global catastrophe.
Pluto in Aquarius offers more than just the possibility of a major war. It also symbolizes the radicalization of public sentiment, rapid acceleration in the production sectors & in all spheres of life.
We are on the threshold of significant social changes as a result of the improvement of AI. The trend of digitalization of everything continues, the AI continues to develop by leaps & bounds, scaring everyone..
This will be a time when our ideas will start to evolve & society can take a more intelligent approach to various aspects, which is especially important, for example, against the background of the book bans & unclear & ineffective laws & concepts.
It is quite possible that some contacts will break off during the year, but we should not worry as this is how Universe cleanses the space around us of people who don’t belong there.
Pluto always wants to crush someone's will, solve problems by force: at this time, accidents can occur, losing the positions. At this time behind the scenes intrigues are turned on, there is a desire to assert oneself upon very strange circumstances. It is better to avoid the crowded places, especially during demonstrations & riots, avoid situations where hype is created. Falling for under the attack of animals, some criminal elements or just to meet some inadequate person on the street & become a victim of aggression are very possible during this period.
Often some secrets are revealed that create problems in the family.
The energy of chaos & instability is activated, when the situations will change every day. The events of the year will determine our future for many years to come, so it is very important to stay in harmony with ourselves & the world around us.
It is a great time for projects that have been suspended, things that we once put aside in the back drawer, it's time to take them out & complete them.
We should find the way in spiritual & physical practices, because Mars has this initial living animal energy associated with blood, with muscles, with physical strength, the strength of a person, the basic instinct. The higher conciousness a person has, the less he succumbs to all these animal impulses, all these temptations.
We need to take time to think before act.

In March, Venus will determine the essence of the main processes. Venus is not only responsible for beauty & love but also symbolizes the image of the Mother, the native land, the forces of nature & absolute realism. It's time to reap the benefits sown in 2014 & 2021.
The feminine nature of Venus inclines people to more peaceful ways of living but everything will not go as smoothly as we would like.
After all, 2025 is the year of the Green Wood Snake. The risk of disasters, natural, man-made & socio-political is greater than ever.

With the transition of Neptune to Aries, in 2025-2026 biotechnology can become a powerful weapon.
We can expect the tightening of measures in the areas of life that Neptune controls such as esotericism, parapsychology, pharmaceuticals, traditional medicine, religious organizations, everything illusory & virtual, non material, the realms of dreams, spirituality, imagination, intuition, creativity & the subconscious mind, art & music, compassion.

The second half of the year has a positive effect on people who are conservative, the concepts of homeland, home & life experience come to the fore, patriotism will be strengthened.
June to December is a good time to start or expand a family, solve the housing problem or improve the place of residence.

In 2025 there are two eclipse corridors. March 14. -29. & September 7. -21. These days we should be wary of provocations & avoid visiting crowded places if possible.
There will be two solar eclipses. Spring eclipse on March 29. & autumn eclipse on September 21. Both eclipses may have a serious impact on relationships between people in business, family & romantic ones. People can suddenly show the dark side of their personality & behave unexpectedly. We should not believe everything that is said. Be wary of fraud, especially in the global network. There is a risk of encountering forged documents & illegal schemes. Any transactions should be made with extreme caution. Very unfavorable time for negotiations & speeches, which can only worsen the situation. Current agreements & contracts may be terminated. Conflicts.
Two lunar eclipses. 14. March & 7.September.
These luminaries will cloud our reality, create an atmosphere of deception, illusions, meanness & frustration. These eclipses affect the environment, the planet's water resources, up to the impact on ocean currents, as well as areas such as migration, pharmaceuticals & agriculture.

On January 29 we will meet the Green Wood Snake. 2025 is the year of Snake, but also the rebirth of Dragon who during the last year showed the qualities of Snake & now shed his wings.
The year of the lurking venomous Snake can confuse, bite & complicate everything to the limit. Since Snake is an ambiguous figure that evokes both fear & attraction, all decisions should be thought out & built logically. We should not expect to easily understand the true causes of events in world politics.
Snake symbolizes intuition & wisdom, flexibility & speed, knowledge & duality, healing & poison at the same time, sometimes cunning. The ability to enjoy life & simple things. She urges not to go into open conflicts but to learn how to negotiate & avoid acute situations. The green color brings harmony, peace, material growth & health, love of nature & the ability to forgive. Snake carries a large number of temptations that can lead to losses: financial, territorial, judicial & personal. This year requires resistance to temptation.
The Year of Snake will give energy for growth & prosperity to those who can better prepare for various events, foresee the situations & opportunities & those with good intuition. The era of global changes that will change all spheres of life continues.
Snake is very fond of money, so money speaks.. For many people, professional self-determination in 2025 will be the main issue of life.
Try to avoid crowded places & not to succumb to the herd instinct’s energy.
Infertility will become more frequent, the number of liver diseases as well as food poisoning will increase. Various forms of allergies will take on a large scale, many will suffer due to poor metabolism & noticeable deterioration of vision. In terms of emotions & feelings, there will b e a lot of resentment, barely concealed anger, indifference, complete indifference to others, fatigue & irritation. There may be a shortage of certain medications, conventional treatments & a very acute shortage of medical personnel. Turning to various spiritual practices, yoga & traditional healers, folk medicine, including oriental medicine will become more appealing.
There will be changes in the understanding of people's consciousness, the light & dark, true & false, low-frequency & high-vibration..
The year of Green Wood Snake brings opportunities to grow, develop relationships & achieve stable success but it requires a thoughtful action & holding the balance. It is important to remain patient, flexible & determined, make informed choices about our dreams & goals, don’t get trapped in the past, focus on the moving forward.
Create routines that support mental & emotional development. Focus on long-term projects & investments, be careful when making financial decisions; risky speculations should be avoided. Engagement & collaboration with the team will bring the best results.

2025 will be another year of dramatic transformation for each of us. Gather all your strength, you will have to show courage & let go of everything old. I wish you a Happy Year of Green Wood Snake, beautiful weekend, light, wisdom, joy, peace, abundance, health, love, success & happiness! May your wishes be fulfilled & you, dear friend, be blessed!
