Today, on 4th of January, Earth will be at the closest point of her orbit to Sun

Today, on 4th of January, Earth will be at the closest point of her orbit to Sun.
The power & energy of Sun, consisting of raging plasma, the form & quality of Fire, carries warmth & life to all living things on our Mother Earth. He cannot exist in any other state at all.
Imagine a clear sunny day, scorching Sun, hot dry air, stuffiness & dryness. Take a moment to mentally fill your space with these feelings & celebrate this flaming celestial wonder.

Almost all cultures have distinct representations of our beautiful Sun. Even the fields of human interest like science, astrology, mythology, religion & art had different representations & personifications of the Sun.

Ra, Atum, Egyptian Sun god, ruler & guardian of the created world, protector from the forces of darkness. Ra is responsible for the existence of creation, including light, the Sun & Fire itself. He often holds an Ankh, which symbolizes immortality & the forces of rebirth & a scepter- a sign of royal authority over the entire world created by him. Depicting Ra with a Falcon head was a way to combine human & birds characteristics, highlighting his divine authority & connection to the natural world. Falcon is associated with strength, speed & keen sight, a majestic bird that soars high above the Earth. Sometimes the image of Ra is a Phoenix bird that can burn, die & be born from the ashes again & again. A solar disc with Serpent depicted above the head of the god is often called the Eye of Ra. This concept is associated with the forces of protection & destruction, the power of creation & energy. Sun's heat can turn into a parching heat & the ancient Egyptians did not forget about this. Ra was considered the god who ordered the primeval chaos & created the universe. Ra has the ability to manage various elements of disease, famine & protects the lioness goddess of war whenever necessary. Ra is one of, if not the most important & highly respected gods in all of creation, the heart of the gods & without him, all gods & goddesses would simply cease to exist.
Sekhmet, Egyptian lioness goddess of war & destruction born of the flames from the Sun god Ra’s eye. Ra created Sekhmet when he had gotten sick of humanity. She came to destroy us & nearly rid the Earth of human beings completely. This Fire goddess, a healer, hunter & warrior, is one of the oldest Egyptian deities that is known to date. Sekhmet was known as being extremely cunning, fierce & even bloodthirsty. She is known as the Eye of Ra. Sekhmet carries a papyrus scepter & Ankh in her hands, which represent her capacity to give life & fertility through the yearly Nile floods in Egypt. Her body is clothed in red linen & head usually incorporates a Sun disk with a Serpent. Her weapons were arrows that would pierce hearts & a fiery glow came from her body, hot desert winds came from her breath.
Egyptian goddess Bastet is associated with home, fertility & protection. Revered as a deity of the Sun, Moon & hearth. She had the power to ward off evil spirits, illness & misfortune. Bastet had the head of a Cat & a slender female body, in her right hand she holds a sistrum, a ritual musical instrument used by the priests & priestesses of the goddess in temple ceremonies. A basket often hangs on the crook of the elbow – a symbol of harvest, prosperity & fertility. In her left hand she holds a protective aegis with a Lion's face.

Belenos, Bel, a Celtic Sun God, or Celtic Fire God, is short for Beltaine, which is also known as a festival that is in-between the solstices, which were worshiped by the Celtic civilization at the time. This ancient Celtic god of healing springs, Sun, Fire & fertility is responsible for thunder bolts, lighting, science, crops, the Sun & Fire itself. Call on him when celebrating Beltane & when in need of healing, fertility, purification & protection, prosperity or success during the Summer months.
Brigid, Celtic Goddess of Fire, Fiery Arrow, the Bright One, goddess of Fire, healing, spring season & smith-craft, childbirth & unity. Born at the exact moment of daybreak, Brigid rose into the sky with the Sun, rays of Fire beaming from her head. She was the daughter of Dagda, the great god of Ireland. Strong, independent, often red-headed goddess is also a war deity. Wherever she walked, small flowers & Shamrocks would appear. Her gifts are knowledge, inspiration & the vital & healing energy of the Sun.
Grannus, god of Fire, health & Sun, often associated with sacred springs & healing waters, his powers were linked to the healing rays of the Sun & can be called upon for healing & purification.
Nantosuelta, Celtic Gaulish Goddess of Fire, fertility & Bees, prosperity & the Underworld, health, miracles, providence. Her symbols are spring water & cornucopia. We can go to Nantosuelta’s cool, clean waters when we need healing. When she calls to you, she will send you multiple Bee omens & signs.

Svarog is the Slavic Creator God, bright god of Fire & law, smithing & the Sun. Svarog created everything with his own hands, he created our material world, gave people a fire for cooking & heating their homes & taught people to use iron tools & weapons.
Dazhbog is the Slavic god of Sun & Fire, happiness, fertility, destiny & justice. . In essence, Dazhbog is the supreme manifestation of good. He's a defender, not a warrior. Dazhbog gave people light & warmth, material values & health. The Slavs believed that Dazhbog could turn into a Lion & he was depicted on a chariot drawn by Lions. Flocks of Swans & Ducks were always flying in front of him when he crosses the sky on a golden chariot in some versions, drawn by four fire-maned Horses.
Kresnik, golden Fire god who became a hero of Slovenia, associated with Fire, summer solstice & storms. He is known as a mythical king with strong magic, yet still a farmer.
Slavic goddess Ognyena, Fire goddess, the sister & assistant of the thunder god, Perun..
Peklabog, god of Fire who rules the underworld & its wealth, associated with subterranean fire & water, snakes & earthquakes. Judges & punishes the wicked through earthquakes. Peklabog mastered the subterranean Fire by which metals & precious stones were forged. He also reigned over the underground water which, according to the ancient Slavic traditions, caused earthquakes when Peklabog ordered it to reach the surface.

Solar Cross is an equal-armed cross, which may also be surmounted by a circle, associated with Sun, Sun gods & the element of Fire. It is one of the oldest spiritual symbols in existence, dating back to Stone Age carvings. The cross at the center of the circle, combines the power of guardians of the Four Directions, while the circle surmounting it, is the blessing of the Sun God to protect the intersection of ancient magic. Solar Cross represents the light & movement of the Sun & can be used to mark the solstices & the equinoxes of the wheel of the year.
Solar Cross represents both balance & infinity. It is a symbol of eternity that embodies themes of birth, death & rebirth. Use Solar Cross as a centering & calming aid when under threat, to banish negativity & cast out shadows. To meditate on the cross's intersection is a powerful centering exercise.
Solar Cross is one of the strongest magical banishing & protection signs.
Sun has been a symbol of life & nature for a man throughout the ages. Sun was symbolized by a cross & a cross in a wheel. A multi-contour cross, enhanced the defensive & protective magical meaning of the cross. It is a symbol of balance & represents the relationship between Sky & Earth. The ring around the cross can also be very well understood as the Wheel of Life & the Wheel of Sun, both of which go in a circle. The ring itself provides effective protection against all evil. Drawing a protective circle in a certain way creates a Circle of Fire, where not even a Snake can pass through.

In alchemy, the gold is considered as a material of the Sun, while the Sun is used to symbolize the mind & the intellect. Other materials that are also considered Sun symbols in alchemy are bronze, diamond, ruby & topaz.
