We are now already under the strong influence of the Eclipse Corridor which is taking place on 14.03- 29.03. This celestial phenomena will start with lunar eclipse on 14. March & ends with Solar eclipse on 29. March. The seed planted during the eclipse corridor will grow over the next six months.
Our celestial bodies are lining up in a unique configuration of the corridor of eclipses, the retrograde movement of Mercury & Venus, Saturn & Neptune in Aries, Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Aries & Pluto, which passes into Aquarius & the beginning of the disappearance of Saturn's rings until 2032 which symbolizes the destruction of outdated structures & constraints, creating a powerful boost for personal growth. Such an unusual combination of cosmic factors will generate a powerful energy pulse that can affect the life of each of us, testing our strength & readiness for change.
This eclipse corridor along with Venus & Mercury in retrograde will be harsh & categorical, provoking personal & global changes. It is a portal of opportunities, when the boundaries between realities become thinner & events take fateful, unexpected twists & turns. This time, the element Water will be especially powerful through natural disasters like tsunamis & floods & will create turbulence in other elements & in our minds. The danger of any man-made disasters, explosions, military conflicts also increases. We might witness the escalations of reprisals against activists, anti-corruption fighters etc. & various kinds of public provocations will intensify the political conflicts, both between individual groups & entire states.. The very laws that will be passed around the world at this time, in fact, will be anti-human. Trials will be demonstrative & based on false data, sentences will be unfair & the fight for the truth will become even more difficult & exhausting, often without results.
Towards the end of the eclipse corridor, before things can turn for better, there may be a sharp increase in crime. The field of hatred, aggression & the destructive principle in people is increasing. It is best to keep ourselves extra safe at this time.
There’s a lot of inconstancy of intentions, so during this period we should not rely on other people's words & promises. They will attract us like beacons of hope, but slip away like mirage, leading us through a dark maze of uncertainty.
We might already experience poor sleep quality, nightmares & insomnia in recent days. We should be careful in conclusions, decisions, words & actions in finance & relationships. We may experience frequent bursts of selfishness, a desire for freedom in relationships & emotional swings, we may speak harshly without thinking about the consequences.. We may feel the need to restore order not only in the home, but also in the head, to get rid of chaos & unnecessary attachments. Anxiety, a desire for control & perfectionism, information chaos & communication problems are increased. It is so important to improve communication, but at the same time it will be under attack, just remember that what you say is not always perceived as you mean it. Expect increased distraction, illusions & deception, loss of concentration & blurred focus in work processes. There is a risk of burrowing into the routine & losing inspiration or escaping from reality into the self-pity indulgence & fatalism.
Time seems to be speeding up & one week can accommodate events that usually occur during the year. We are uncomfortable & restless, we feel like the hands & legs are growing out of the wrong place. There may be a need to redo & repair, even if it seemed that everything was done right before.
We should be very careful with our finances, it can be very unstable, we are prone to unpredictable spending & there will be a desire to radically change everything. It isn’t a good time to start new projects, this time is more suitable for planning new creative & financial projects, analyzing what is already there. It is good to check, analyze, look for mistakes, restore order in all areas of life. If we've been putting off unsolved problems in the hope that they will go away, March will put everything in its place.
All skeletons are out of the closet, back on the table. We will either have to find a solution or put an end to it, offering liberation from the burden of the past.
March 2025 is ideal time for spiritual practices & self-development when many people will gain access to hidden knowledge or experience mystical experiences.
We should try to ground ourselves in constructive ways, for example, through gardening or cleaning & meditate & do yoga for stabilizing or emotional states.
