Egregors control a person, i.e. it is a certain program that guides the opinion, thoughts & actions of a person in accordance with its laws. Egregor seeks to attract as many people as possible & then in various ways to convince them to stay, or to keep them by manipulating them.
In general, any social program is an egregor that gathers energy from its like-minded people or fans in each individual case in different ways, i.e. gathered people around one idea.
Think of energy. It passes from one creature to another, changes, but it will not disappear anywhere.
We all think about a lot of people & objects. Our thoughts are the energy that we radiate into the surrounding space & the energy of these thoughts can't just vanish. If we think about a certain person, then some of our mental energy goes to them. If we think about ourselves, these thoughts hover around us. At the subtle level of energies like attracts like. Therefore, thoughts about the same subject, received from different people forms the egregor. It cannot be called an intelligent being or entity. It is a very sophisticated program that manages its domain, capable of self-learning & changing strategies.
Each egregor has a certain energy frequency or vibration.
Energy is often divided into negative & positive, the one that feeds & strengthens us & the one that weakens. Each personality is very dependent on how different energies will affect us. Something that gives someone strength will have a depressing effect on the other.
If certain egregor accepts people easily, teaches them, helps them open up & then lets them go then this egregor is of positive nature. In positive egregor, the communication takes place in the energy of goodness. He does not build the top of power, he creates a circle of friends in which everyone is equal. The energy-informational field gives this person great opportunities. It should not tie the hands of a harmonious personality, restrict freedom & self-expression. Not allowing anyone to manipulate your own life is the ultimate exercise of your freedom.
The negative egregor can be determined by the presence of violence, exploitation, fear, victimhood, difficulty in entering & exiting, the presence of dogmas that hinder the creative development of a person, the selective attitude towards people & other egregors, by dividing them into our & not our, true & not true. If there is a suppression of the individuality, suggestion of a certain idea, manipulation based on fears, envy, addictions, attachments, vices, greed, addictions, then these people can be used in the interests of the egregor. A person becomes part of a particular egregor, a slave to its will & lives by the ideology of this group but not by their own interests & beliefs. A lot of negative things arise in the egregore which has built a vertical of power. The higher the pyramid of power, the more people are attracted to this egregor, the less significant the life of an individual is for the egregor. In this case, the egregor for the sake of higher ideas & goals, for the sake of a happy future, leads people to revolution, to war, through deprivation & suffering.
Egregors often deceive people.
There are more refined egregors associated with high spirituality, philosophy & complex areas of science. Their vibrations are above average, because they are fueled by highly developed people. Who are attuned to the search for truth & higher knowledge & their moments of reflection are free from anger.
There are also more mundane & mass egregors, all media outlets, books & magazines have them, politics, construction, economics, medicine. Their vibrations are already much lower, since huge masses of people are connected to them who are not always able to control their thoughts & emotions.
Egregors of addictions, money, crime. Their energy is quite heavy.
To slip to lower vibrations is easy, provocations are around every corner.
Many people acquire bad habits with age, like to criticize & do not accept other people's opinions. Their development stopped in their youth, so there are almost no connections with high egregors. But connections with lower ones flourish.
A conscious person is unlikely to succumb to the provocation of egregors with low vibrations.
Emotions in action. The feeling of hatred is very strong. External aggression, a sense of danger.
Compassion for the poor.
The most powerful feeling is love. The huge energy of love of a significant part of the world's population builds & strengthens the corresponding egregors.
In addition to the egregor of team, society etc., there is also the energy-informational field of a single person. This person is not under the power of other egregors or can easily get out of their influence. This person has his own powerful energy field, own destiny. He's free. This egregor carries its own idea & fulfills its desires: a leader, the head of any company or organization, a black cardinal, a psychic, an alpha, a hypnotist etc.
If you have any incomprehensible impulses, especially if it becomes an obsessive state & a persistent belief then look, think about it, understand where & when, under what circumstances you got involved in this egregor? Do you need it?
You decide.
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