We all know too well that in our modern world we need money to provide the most necessary life needs, to fully realize ourselves. How can we develop spiritually & take care of our family if we can’t cover our basic needs? Eat, drink, wash, dress, pay utility bills, children's education & travel etc. But excessive creates dependence, greed, the need to save, accumulate, replenish & retain, often distracting us from simply just living, enjoying our lives.
We need to keep a balance though & always give more than we receive, think of energy, not only materialistic wealth. Thoughts, emotions, words & material values are all energy. If we don't, the Universe will make up for this shortfall itself, taking the excess energy from us.
Money is energy, it is alive, it needs to be free, it needs to flow, to be welcomed, loved & appreciated.
We can’t just want money. We have to make ourselves available for the energy of abundance. Observe the world & seek out the manifestations of abundance, the abundance of trees, clouds, people, the abundance of opportunities.
All material is a specific manifestation of energy & we can enter into that energy field without violating the harmonious laws of nature.
We can attract the energy of money with certain rituals.
Thyme is the best money magnet. Use it in cooking to attract money to the house, make a weak herbal decoction from it & add a little to the rinse water after washing your work clothes. Place in a jar & keep in the home or at work for good luck. Plant thyme in your garden, saying: as Thyme will grow, so does the money.
Take a money note 5 or 50, fold it around Thyme leaves, fold again to make a packet, tie it up with green thread & bury the packet in the middle of a Crossroads on the night of the Full Moon.
Basil protects the house, brings love & peace to the family, attracts money to home. Scatter dry herb on the kitchen floor & sweep it away saying: no evil can come when Basil was here.
If you burn Onion peels rather than just throwing them away, you'll never be poor.
Carve a money sign into the skin of a Potato before baking it for prosperity.
Ginger root can be used fresh, dried or powdered to protect against evil spirits & attract money. Any money spell will work faster if you use Ginger in it.
Carry some dried Red or White Clover in your wallet to bring financial gain your way.
Branches of Pomegranate used as a dowsing rod can reveal concealed treasures, or when carried as a charm or hung in the home attracts money to the person.
Cloves are a spice that binds friends together & brings gambling winnings. I don’t recommend gambling though, very low energy.
Calendula can be used for the purpose of bringing good luck in money matters & especially at games of chance through the sending of a lucky dream. Place a green flannel bag filled with golden Calendula flowers beneath the pillow when going to sleep, breathing the fragrance of these flowers may bring a dream of winning numbers & winning names.
Dried Lavender stalks burn like incense sticks & can be included in spells & rituals aimed attracting money, love, protection & success. Individual flowers can also be dried & burned similarly for the same purposes.
Tie 7 whole peas of Allspice in the bottom of your shirt or carry them in your pocket & you will be lucky for seven days. Throw them into running water & make a wish when seven days have passed.
Yellow Dock seeds are used in money spells & incenses, or an infusion can be sprinkled around your business to attract customers. To draw money & business, brew a strong tea from the herb & strain out the root & use this tea to wash the door knobs to draw customers into a shop.
Carry a whole Nutmeg in your pocket for good luck!
Burn Cinnamon as incense to attract money. Cinnamon is the best for money spells. It opens the way for good luck in business. Mix it with sugar & sprinkle it on a piece of bread & butter for breakfast & a pinch on banknotes & shake it off the money near your door.
The scent of Pine attracts money; even better when mixed with Cinnamon, Bayberry or Nutmeg.
Flax seeds can be used to attract money by placing the seeds in a jar with a few coins.
A bit of Flax placed in the shoe wards off poverty. Place a few seeds in your wallet, purse or pocket to attract money.
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