Sleep paralysis has always been surrounded by a mystical aura & has become the basis for many mythological creatures. Only recently we may be able to explain what sleep paralysis is & why it occurs. I offer you both the scientific & esoteric point of view. You decide how you feel about it all. Sleep paralysis is a condition during sleep when we are conscious & control eye movement but cannot move, speak or scream. We may feel a lack of air, as if someone is choking or pressing on the chest, we may see someone or something dark, feel the touch of something soft, wool or fur, or hear sounds, similar to sniffing or rumbling, which attributes to the presence of something else, a feeling of fear or in rare cases pleasure & visions.. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by a feeling of body movement, levitation & separation of the spirit, the surrounding world is perceived as unreal or distant. Because we experience too many complex sensations that we can't con...